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Reading at Bourton Primary:

RWI Phonics:

 At Bourton Primary we follow the RWI Phonics scheme. From the summer term in preschool, our children are exposed to the nursery programme of RWI. 

Once children enter Reception, they begin learning their set 1 sounds in full and progress through the scheme until they reach the grey reading book assessment.  



 Here is a link to Read Write Inc Phonics - the Department of Education approved scheme we follow. 

Wider Reading:

To increase our children's exposure to non-fiction texts, the school uses 'Rocker Box'. Rocker Box is used in a number of ways - during guided reading sessions and as homework tasks. Children from Year 2 have a username and password to undertake a regular comprehension exercise. Teachers will monitor usage and scores, following up areas for improvement in guided reading sessions.

Access is via this portal:

Rockerbox Student Portal (

Reading for Pleasure:

One of our school objectives is to inspire more children to read for pleasure. We have done this through a number of avenues, including: protected story time at 3pm for every class, every day, development of an outdoor reading area and creative reading areas in every classroom.

Reading at home is an excellent opportunity to help inspire and build a love of reading. If you would like some help on which books would be great for your child to read, please see the recommended reading lists for primary children attached below. Once you follow the link, you can search for the reading list by your child's year group:

Books for KS1 learners aged 4-7 | School Reading List

Books for KS2 learners aged 7-11 | School Reading List