Year 5/6: Stargazer Class
Welcome to Stargazer Class!
Meet the team:
Class teacher: Mr Prosser
Class teaching assistant: Mrs Dulson (Mornings)
Stargazer class
Welcome to Stargazer class! Here you will find our newsletters, photos of our work and any important information about our class. Please pop back here (as well as having a look at our class photos tab) to see what we have been getting up throughout this year.
This term:
During this term (Spring 1), Year 5 and 6 will be covering lots of different areas of the curriculum. Our learning will all be based around our new topic "Crime and Punishment".
Primarily history based, we will look at how crimes and punishments have changed over time and how our society developed into a democracy. In art, we will study the modern artist Banksy, who uses art to convey messages. Using Excel will be our computing focus this term, creating and using formulae to interpret data.
Our PSHE sessions this term will focus on mental health and wellbeing. We will look at what affects our mood and behaviour, discuss and develop strategies to help cope with stress and understand the five ways of wellbeing.
In maths this term our main focus is multiplication and division, moving onto fractions, decimals and percentages. Pupils will be required to apply and show the formal methods of these operations with increasing confidence. One day a week, the lesson focus will be on reasoning questions and mental arithmetic (10 in 10s).
In English, we will be recapping and practising previous skills, such as: compound sentences, ISPACE sentence starters, subordinating conjunctions and paragraphing. We will explore these skills through a range of different narrative texts, working towards writing our own setting descriptions to build suspense and tension.
Important Class Information:
PE Days: Tuesdays and Fridays. Children need to come to school wearing their PE kit.
Reading Books: reading books will be changed Monday through to Thursday.
Homework: A new homework grid for Term 3 will be attached below. Comprehension texts will continue to be set for the children to complete regularly on Rockerbox at home.
Reading: Please continue to listen to your child read daily, even for 10 minutes, and encourage them to complete the reading task in the reading journal. Books should be changed regularly.
Times Tables: It is important all pupils are learning (and continue to practice) the timetables up to the 12 times table. These should be known by the end of year 4, but it is essential that the children continue to practice and recall these facts.
Useful websites for times table practise:
Thank you for your continued support. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.
Key Dates:
Tuesday 7th January 2025- Return to school (need PE kits today please)
Week beginning 13th January 2025 - Whole school Oracy heats
Week beginning 20th January 2025 - Digital Detox wellbeing week
Friday 31st January -Wear blue for Diabetes Day
Tuesday 11th February - Safer internet Day
Friday 14th February - Break up for half term at 3.15 pm