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Year 3 Galaxy Class

Teacher: Mrs Christopher

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Jones

Welcome to Galaxy Class Page

We hope you find this page a useful resource throughout the school year and will update it every half-term with new learning foci, key dates, class information and homework.  Should you have any additional questions for us, Mrs Jones and I are always happy to answer them.

Important Class Information

PE this year will take place on Wednesday and Friday each week.  Can all children come to school in their PE kits with appropriate layers.  PE shorts should be worn underneath tracksuit bottoms.

Reading books will be changed every Tuesday and Friday

Children will be eating lunch in their houses (Apollo, Endeavour, Phoenix, Galileo) this provides them with the opportunity to mix with other year groups and to make new friends. Houses will be rotated regularly. 

Key Dates 

11th April: Prostrike Sponsored Event

16th April: Internet Safety for parents

16th April: Dance Festival

17th May: KS2 athletics

17th May: FOBS disco

23rd May: Year 3 & 4 Quad Kids

24th May: End of Term


This term our topic is 'Intriguing Inventors'. We will be studying the work of Leonardo Da Vinci. In history, we will discover the time period Da Vinci lived and more about his inspiring inventions. We will be comparing his work with that of modern inventors and how their work has changed life today. Children will become inventors themselves in Design and Technology, using skills to create their own working models. Da Vinci was an accomplished artist, so children will look at his work and then create their own compositions using 3D effects. In PSHCE, children will be gaining an understanding of take care of their mental health.


In English, we will be looking at famous people and writing biographies. 


Children will be continue to look at different types of measure, reading scales and then learn to tell the time in analogue and digital formats.

Maths Passport: Regular practise of Maths Passport targets helps pupils to retain knowledge and opens the door to all mathematical learning.  

Times Tables:  It is important all pupils learn their times tables up to the 12 x and know these by the end of year 4 this will prepare them for the statutory times table test. 

Useful websites for times table practise:

Thank you for your continued support, it makes such a huge difference to your child's learning. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.

Warm regards

Mrs Christopher